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In Montana, Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (including marijuana) or Alcohol (DUI), also known as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a crime that is classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony offense.  If you are charged with DUI, it is always a good idea to consult with an experience criminal defense or DUI lawyer.  


Potential penalties range from a just a fine or up to years in prison depending upon the number of prior offenses you may have and whether or not any aggravating factors exist - such as a crash involving serious bodily injury. 

If an officer has a reasonable belief that you are driving under the influence of either drugs or alcohol, he may request that you provide a breath or a blood sample.  In Montana, you have given your implied consent to this testing by operating a motor vehicle on the public roadways.  Consequently, if you refuse to submit to a requested test, your driving privileges may be suspended by the State of Montana.  

We can help you determine whether or not you were lawfully charged with driving under the influence and whether the officers investigating the charge followed proper procedures and rules for obtaining any evidence collected.  We can also help you get your driver's license back if it's been suspended due to a breath or blood test refusal. 


We have successfully had numerous DUI charges either dismissed or reduced and have a solid track record of protecting our client's ability to legally drive in Montana and elsewhere.

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